Not that I want to, thank you very much.
I suppose I should be pleased, and part of me is – the part that as a young man campaigned, marched, protested and at times just defied. But that was in the 80s.
As a young teenager in Wisbech in the 70s, my response to omnipotent homophobia was to just run away and hide, which I did, splendidly, in the loony embrace of the Hare Krishnas. Not that they were any less homophobic of course, but they had a downer on sex full stop, so I guess I just didn’t feel so out of place.
But that’s another story …
Today I find myself sitting at my desk working, with a background murmur coming up the stairs of MPs debating this (Caerthan appears to be transfixed). They have spent all day debating it. I have spent all day getting mad that it is still necessary to debate it. My patience is clearly done. I am angry for men and women everywhere who have had to wait this long to have their relationships recognised.
If you want to comment, DON’T start debating the issue. There is no more debating on this subject here.
I feel better now!